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Licensing Disclosures - United States
Licensing Disclosures - United States
Written by Alexander Diaz
Updated over 2 years ago


Regulatory Agency

License No.


Alaska Division of Banking & Securities



Arizona Department of Financial Institutions



Arkansas Securities Department



Connecticut Department of Banking



Delaware Office of the State Bank Commissioner


District of Columbia

District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking



Iowa Division of Banking



Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation
Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection


Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland



Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services



Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance



Missouri Division of Finance


New Hampshire

State of New Hampshire Banking Department


New Mexico

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department

North Dakota

North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions



Oklahoma State Banking Department


Oregon Division of Financial Regulation


Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities


Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions


South Dakota

South Dakota Division of Banking



Virginia State Corporation Commission



Washington State Department of Financial Institutions


West Virginia

West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions



Wyoming Department

of Audit



Alaska Division of Banking & Securities

For Alaska Residents Only:

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please submit formal complaints with the State of Alaska, Division of Banking & Securities.

Submit formal complaint form with supporting documents:

P.O. Box 110807

Juneau, AK 99811-0807

Tel: Nine Zero Seven Four Six Five Two Five Two One


Arizona Department of Financial Institutions

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Arizona Department of Financial Institutions. To file a complaint, contact:

100 N 15th Ave Suite 261

Phoenix, AZ 85007

Tel: 602-771-2800


Arkansas Securities Department

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Arkansas Securities Department. To file a complaint, contact:

To file a complaint, contact:

#1 Commerce Way, Suite 402

Little Rock, Arkansas 72202

Tel: (501) 324-9260


Connecticut Department of Banking Consumer Credit Division

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Connecticut Department of Banking, Consumer Credit Division. To file a complaint, contact:

260 Constitution Plaza

Hartford, CT 06103-1800

Tel: 860-240-8170


Delaware Office of the State Bank Commissioner

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Delaware Office of the State Bank Commissioner. To file a complaint, contact:

1110 Forrest Avenue

Dover, DE 19904

Attention: Compliance

Tel: (302) 739-4235 or (302) 577-6722

District of Columbia

District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking. To file a complaint, contact:

1050 First Street, NE, 801,
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 727-8000
Fax: (202) 671-0650


Iowa Division of Banking

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Iowa Division of Banking. To file a complaint, contact:

200 East Grand Avenue, Suite 300

Des Moines, IA 50309-1827

Tel: 515-281-4014


Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation. To file a complaint, contact:

76 Northern Ave
Gardiner, ME 04345

Tel: 1-800-332-8529


Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Commissioner of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland. To file a complaint, contact:

500 North Calvert Street, Suite 402

Baltimore, MD 21202

Tel: 1-888-784-0136


Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS)

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS). To file a complaint, contact:

Office of Consumer Services

PO Box 30220

Lansing, MI 48909-7720


Mississippi Department of Banking & Consumer Finance

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Mississippi Department of Banking & Consumer Finance. To file a complaint, contact:

P.O. Box 12129

Jackson, MS 39236-2129

Tel: 601-321-6901


Missouri Division of Finance

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Missouri Division of Finance. To file a complaint, contact:

PO Box 716

Jefferson City, MO 65102-0716

Tel: 573-751-3242

New Hampshire

State of New Hampshire Banking Department

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the State of New Hampshire Banking Department. To file a complaint, contact:

53 Regional Drive, Suite 200

Concord NH 03301

Tel: 1-800-735-2964

New Mexico

New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department, Financial Institutions Division. To file a complaint, contact:

Financial Institutions Division

P.O. Box 25101

Santa Fe, NM 87504-5101

North Dakota

North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions. To file a complaint, contact:

1200 Memorial Highway

Bismarck, ND 58504

Tel: (701) 328-9933


Oklahoma State Banking Department

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Oklahoma State Banking Department. To file a complaint, contact:

2900 North Lincoln Boulevard

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105

Tel: 405-521-2782


Oregon Division of Financial Regulation

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Oregon Division of Financial Regulation. To file a complaint, contact:

PO Box 14480

Salem, OR 97309-0405

Tel: 888-877-4894.


Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities. To file a complaint, contact:

Market Square Plaza
17 N. Second Street, Suite 1300
Harrisburg, PA 17101

Tel: (717) 787-1854

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Puerto Rico Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions. To file a complaint, contact:

Centro Europa Building – Suite 600

1492 Ave. Ponce de Leon

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907​​

Phone: 787-723-3131

South Dakota

South Dakota Division of Banking

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the South Dakota Division of Banking. To file a complaint, contact:

1714 Lincoln Ave., Suite 2

Pierre, South Dakota, 57501

Tel: 605-773-3421


Virginia Division of Financial Institutions

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Virginia Division of Financial Institutions. To file a complaint, contact:

8th floor

1300 E. Main St.

Richmond, Virginia 23219


Washington State Department of Financial Institutions

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions. To file a complaint, contact:

150 Israel Rd SW

Tumwater, WA 98501

Tel: 1-877-746-4334

West Virginia

West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions. To file a complaint, contact:

900 Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 306

Charleston, WV 25302-3542

Tel: 1-800-368-8808


Wyoming Department of Audit

If your issue is unresolved by Voyse Technologies US, Inc., 628-250-1175, please file a complaint with the Wyoming Department of Audit. To file a complaint, contact:

Hathaway Building

2nd Floor

2300 Capitol Ave.

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Tel: (307) 777-6605

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